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Thank you for considering a donation to the Allentown Art Museum. 

You can help preserve these masterpieces of American art and 
make them accessible to all when you donate to 
AAM’s Tiffany Windows Campaign.

Please select the level of support below and fill in a corresponding amount:

Select a Fund:

Gala Donation
Annual Fund
Memorial Gifts
Tiffany Windows
  • Tiffany Windows

    • ($5.00-$999.00)
    Tiffany - Friend

    • ($1,000.00-$4,999.00)
    Tiffany - Donor

    • ($5,000.00-$9,999.00)
    Tiffany - Major Donor

    • ($10,000.00-$49,999.00)
    Tiffany - Visionary

    • ($50,000.00-$99,999.00)
    Tiffany - Patron

    • ($100,000.00-$249,999.00)
    Tiffany - Lead

    • (min. $250,000.00)
    Tiffany - Distinguished Benefactor

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    I would like more information about other ways to donate.

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For more details on the campaign or to pay by phone, please contact Laurie McGahey 
at lmcgahey@allentownartmuseum.org or call 610.432.4333 ext. 126.